Saturday, May 19, 2012


This information about strawberries is taken from A Dictionary of Modern Gardening, 1847:

Hudson or Scarlet - Grown almost exclusively for the supply of the Philadelphia market. It is distinct from the old Hudson in New York. It is undoubtedly the best.

Methven Scarlet or Keene's - Very large variety, sometimes exceeding five inches, it is but indifferently flavoured, but much admired for preserving.

Hovey's Seedling - A newly developed strawberry that is among the best. However, it needs to have other varieties planted alone with it.

Ross's Phoenix - Much praised in New York. A new variety that is hurt by drought where others are uninjured.

Cushing - A new variety from Philadelphia or Boston. (I'm not sure)

Myatt's pine - will grow profusely on light, rich, sandy, alluvial soils, near the sea. In such situations other strawberries are apt to throw out too many runners; and for such Myatt's plan is well adapted.

Others Listed but not described:
White Alpine, Old Scarlet, Grove End Scarlet, Roseberry, Garnstone Scarlet, Myatt's Eliza, Old Pine, Myatt's British Queen, Large Flat Hauthois, American Scarlet, Downton, Elton, Coul's Late Scarlet, and Turner's Pine.

The chief bearing time of these is from the end of June to the middle of July, but the White Alpine produces successive crops until November. I have even gathered from them a dish late in December.

If Alpines are planted on south west, east, and north borders, they will give a succession of fruit from June till December.

Beds, four feet wide, should be marked out with a foot alley between each, which is highly necessary to prevent those who gather the fruit from treading between the plants, and lastly, the runners are planted two feet apart. A bed thus made will last three years, without requiring anything further, not even so much as a top dressing.

The surface of the soil should be covered with straw, or the mowings from grass plots, during the bearing season, to preserve moisture to the roots of the plants, and to keep the fruit from being dirt splashed.

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