Thursday, March 1, 2012

Gardening in March

From The Kitchen and Fruit Gardener 1847


A small crop of Peas of the early kinds may be sown about the beginning and of marrowfats and other larger sorts towards the end of the month in the open quarters of the garden. For the early and dwarf crops sown in the beginning of the month from three to four feet will be quite sufficient between the rows and three inches deep. The Early York, Landreth's Large York, and Early Sugar Loaf Cabbage, should be transplanted this month, where they are intended to remain. When the plants are pretty strong they may in mild open weather be planted out the beginning of the month but if they be weakly or much hurt by the frost they should not be planted out before the end of the month or the beginning of April.

Cauliflower plants in frames should have plenty of air every mild day by entirely removing the glasses. Towards the end of the month transplant some of the stronger plants into the place in the garden where they are intended to remain. Should cold chilly weather ensue great benefit will be found from protecting them especially at night; flower jars are for that purpose useful and of easy application easy application.

About the middle or end of the month carrot may be sown for an early crop on a light border or other sheltered spot but the beginning of April is soon enough to sow the principal crop. Crops of such seed as carrot and some others will at this early season be much benefited if the drills in which they are to be sown be half filled with light vegetable mould on which the seed must be sprinkled and then covered with the same kind of mould. In strong wet soils this should be particularly attended to as seeds will vegetate quicker and become established much sooner than if sown in the natural ground.

The crops of lettuces should be thinned out to twelve inches asunder every way and those taken out should be planted in a rich and sheltered spot at similar distances and sheltered spot at similar distances.

In open weather early potatos such as the Fox's Seedling and Ash leaved Kidney may be planted about the middle of the month sow leeks onions and lettuces and Early York and Landreth's Large York cabbages for succession. A small sowing of early turnip may be made in a very warm situation and on very rich ground, Asparagus seed may be sown in the open ground The long pod and Windsor beans should be planted as early as they Can be put into the ground so as to blossom before the heat arrives and if the weather be mild sow long scarlet and red turnip radish for the first early crop also spinach to succeed that sown in autumn.

This and the succeeding month are favourable for transplanting fruit trees. If the reader have occasion to purchase let us caution him against doing so from any but a responsible nurseryman above all avoid auction trees the most worthless in the nursery are frequently selected for those sales and with attractive names sent to some distant point where the purchaser cannot have redress when the deception practised on him is made evident which perhaps is not until after years of careful culture.

Another important matter connected with this subject is the method in which the trees are planted. Let it be done deliberately and with care if the ground in which you are about to plant be of an indifferent quality provide a liberal quantity of rich earth for each tree and cast aside that which is taken out of the holes. For an ordinary sized nursery tree the holes should be four or five feet across and nearly as many deep the excess in depth to be filled up with the good earth provided for that purpose when all is ready place the tree in the centre of the hole with the roots and fibres spread out horizontally or fan shaped and as the finely pulverized earth is shovelled in shake the tree gently to admit the earth among the fibres. When the hole is filled up to the proper level the tree should not stand more than a couple of inches deeper than it did before removal which can be readily determined by the colour of the bark. A stout stake to keep the tree steady is highly useful and if the ensuing warm weather be dry give a little water from time to time or what is even better protect the surface of the ground for a few feet around the tree with litter or any other material which will shade and arrest evaporation."

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